This Same Purpose

Learning to live in the Story

Learning to live in the Story

The Power of "Lord, Help"

Our superpower as followers of Jesus is our ability to recognize how much we need him, to simply say, “Lord, help.” I’ve been in a season of learning this afresh. It’s the secret sauce of maintaining peace and hope amidst an ominous storm, whatever form that storm may take in each of our lives.

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Mattanah DeWitt
The Kingdom Is Closer Than You Think

When the kingdom of God first made its grand entrance into the earth, many almost and actually missed it. They didn’t expect a kingdom whose king would surrender his own life. They didn’t expect a kingdom that would be invisible to the natural eye. They didn’t expect a kingdom that would instead of being a dwelling place, need a dwelling place in human hearts.

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Mattanah DeWitt
What Good Leadership Looks Like

Leaders in all walks of life have great responsibility. Christian leaders especially, regardless of what vocation they choose, what stage of life they find themselves in, or what their past may look like, are positioned to be conduits of heavenly blessing here on earth.

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Mattanah DeWitt
How to Move From Pain to Praise

What would happen for us if in the midst of our painful circumstances, we allow ourselves to lament and then let go? To process our pain and then move into a posture of praise? To start asking better questions of the character of God?

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Mattanah DeWitt